EZ Dungeon features fast heroes, gate-keeping bosses, blue rats, and NO ADS!EZ Dungeon is a brightly colored mod of Watabous Pixel Dungeon. In EZ Dung
EZ Dungeon features fast heroes, gate-keeping bosses, blue rats, and NO ADS!
EZ Dungeon is a brightly colored mod of Watabou's Pixel Dungeon. In EZ Dungeon, you WILL beat the Goo! Review the game (below) and share with your friends.
Features include:
Fast moving, powerful heroes
Increased visibility—no fog of war
Vibrant colors
Crabs always drop mystery meat!
Gather food, magic potions and other resources to use from your inventory when you encounter trouble, like various creatures and traps.
Note: Ascending up a level ends game...move forward! You cannot load previous game; choose New Game only.
Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/p1nesap
Watabou: http://pixeldungeon.watabou.ru/
EZ Dungeon open-source code is published under GNU General Public License:
Music by laweffect: https://soundcloud.com/laweffect & https://www.youtube.com/user/laweffect